Hi friends,
Happy Friday! I know you don’t usually hear from me on non-Wednesday mornings, but I’m writing to share some exciting news:
I’m making a magazine!
Over the past two years, I’ve worked with 20+ amazing contributors who are helping me tackle a baffling question: Why does DC have a reputation for being dull and transient when there are so many creative people building community spaces here?
Our first issue will feature 10 wildly original reported stories about everything from the city’s sideshow culture to lawyers who moonlight as tarot readers, and so much more. If you like Scavenger’s dives into offbeat stories, I think you will love Summerhouse.
But before we hit the publish button, we need to raise enough money to pay all of our contributors. That’s why we’re launching a Kickstarter on August 1. The money will cover our (intentionally minimal) startup costs and allow me to write checks to all of our contributors, many of whom are emerging writers with incredible talent and creativity. (Editors, take note!)
The Kickstarter rewards are pretty rad, too. I’ve teamed up with comics journalist Josh Kramer to make a zine featuring even more original stories and comics, and we’ll also be selling beautiful prints by former local Sophie McTear (and some other fun treats as well). We’re also partnering with 730 DC, a newsletter I adore, so you can join their mailing list and keep an eye out for more surprises in the coming weeks.
If you want to get involved, it’s not too late! Drop me a line with your ideas. And if you’d like to join me on this new adventure, you can sign up to receive Summerhouse’s newsletter and follow along on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.
Thanks for letting me interrupt our regularly scheduled programming, and I’ll be back on Wednesday morning with a new story!